May 31, 2020
In the book of Revelation, Jesus writes a letter to seven different churches. In His first letter, to the church at Ephesus, He tells them that - even though they have been faithful in many ways - they have left their FIRST love...and because of this, they are on the verge of ceasing to be a church. What is the first...
May 30, 2020
The Bible gives very little as to the physical description of Jesus when He was on the earth with His disciples. Interestingly, however, the Bible is much more detailed in its description of Jesus in His glorified/Heavenly/Resurrected form, and the description of the Heavenly Jesus by John in Revelation 1 is equal parts...
May 29, 2020
Angels are very powerful and somewhat mysterious heavenly beings that are not described with a high amount of detail in the Bible. Archangels, of which Michael is one, are even less covered by biblical texts. Given how little the Bible says, what can we know about these powerful beings? How many of them are there? What...
May 28, 2020
Most Christians believe that the Bible teaches that there is only ONE God. And that is true, the way that most Christians mean it. However, there are many passages in the Bible (like our focus passage: Psalms 82) that seem to indicate that there are many other Heavenly beings/deities/gods (little 'g') that are under...
May 27, 2020
False teachers have, in many cases, become more aggressive in proselytizing and door to door 'evangelism' than genuine teachers. How should Christians respond to false teachers? With debate? Discussion? Hospitality? Hostility? Burning oil? The second letter of John gives good and practical advice here.